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Public trust in business and institutions rarely runs very deep. Controversy flares up at short notice. Even lightly regulated industries require a robust understanding of public policy.

My experience in European public policy allows me to assist your in-house team act and react to change; to analyse the complexities of European policy, regulations and politics, recommend a course of action, anticipate and deliver results.

Public affairs should be in the middle of your organisation – to add value, mitigate problems, challenge opinions and spot opportunities.

The European Union and its 27 member states have embarked on a legislative bonanza to reboot their economies post COVID. It has earmarked €1.8 trillion to implement lower CO2 emissions, higher renewable energy and energy efficiency targets, drive changes in sustainable finance, sustainable chemistry, mobility, digital strategy and AI — impacting all sectors of the economy.

My role is to provide added value that is genuinely tailored to your needs.

Thomas Dubois

Thomas Dubois:

With more than 25 years’ experience as an in-house corporate affairs specialist, managing international government and public affairs for a number of large US multinationals active in the energy, industrial and consumer goods sectors. My remit covered Europe, India, Australia and the Middle East.

Successively based in Brussels, Melbourne and Geneva, I was involved in corporate reputation, environmental and energy regulation, climate change, taxation, M&A, corporate restructuring, public health and mobility.

Started my career many moons ago as an assistant to a former European Commissioner for External Trade and Member of the European Parliament. I also served stints at a major PR firm in Brussels and at the European Commission’s foreign trade directorate.

A Dutch national, I work in English, French, Dutch and speak Swedish.

“No man should ever loose sleep over public affairs.”

(Harold McMillan 1894-1986)

If you agree with the above quote contact me for a good night’s sleep.

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